Sunday, November 20, 2011

Open Doors

This painting is called "Let Him In" by Greg Olsen. I chose this painting because I feel that it is important that we let Christ into our lives. He is forever knocking at our door and whenever we need help, we just have to let Him in. In Matthew 7:7-8 it says, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." This is the perfect scripture to match this picture. I also just love the words because of the meaning and the poeticness of it. I am so grateful for Christ being there for me all of the time. If I ever need anything, I just have to ask. My favorite part is where it says "Knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Life is like a giant hallways with many doors leading off into different paths. I choose one door and that is the path I take. At one point, I come to another choice of doors. Sometimes it becomes super difficult to decide which door to choose. But if I simply knock on Christ's door He will guide me to the correct door. I am never alone in this life because Christ is always there for me. He may not be physically with me but in Spirit He is. I am so grateful for this gospel and the many doors it opens for me. I think that if I didn't have the gospel with me, my doors would be severely limited.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

"Precious in His Sight"

"Precious In His Sight" by Greg Olsen
Normally when I am picking a picture for my blog post it is based off of what I see in this picture. This week, however, what stuck out to me was the title of the painting. Precious in His sight. We are all precious in His sight and I know I am included in that. I'd like to start off by talking about the painting. I love that in the painting Christ is playing with a child. Children are so precious and adorable; what could be a better symbol of the word "precious"? I also love that Christ is holding a butterfly on His finger. It says to me that Christ can find beauty in all things, even in a simple butterfly. I am that butterfly; Christ sees the beauty and preciousness in me.
I'm almost certain that everyone who has walked this earth, besides Christ, has had some sort of problem of self-esteem. I know I've had struggles with believing that I'm beautiful or smart or funny or likable. It's hard in this world because there are so many things and people to compare to. Because of those hard days, I am grateful for those times where I can remember just how precious I am. I may not be the most beautiful girl or the smartest person or the funny one in the crowd. But I am beautiful, smart, funny, and important to Christ. I am a Daughter of God and that alone makes me precious.
I feel that is very important that we all find our individual worth inside ourselves. I know I have days where I struggle with my self-worth but I am sincerely trying to remember how precious I really am. I am beautiful. I am smart. I am funny. I am important. I think that after we've come to this realization and have a grasp on our personal self-worth, we need to spread this and remind others of their self-worth. Matthew 5:14-16 says, "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." We need to be that light and show others that they too are precious in the sight of God.
None of us are perfect; we all have our struggles and mistakes. But we are still precious to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They love us unconditionally. This doesn't mean that we should go out and do bad things because They'll still love us, but that if we do happen to make those mistakes we can remember that They do love us. I am so grateful for Their unconditional love because I know that I am not perfect. Far from it. But They still love me and that helps me to keep moving forward. It also helps to know that someone out there knows how precious I am. It's Their opinion that matters most anyways. "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." If someone doesn't like me because I'm not beautiful enough, then they don't matter. Christ and Heavenly Father are those who matter and they don't mind the little things. I am so grateful for the love that they give to me. Some days it's Their love that gets me through the tough times. The knowledge of my worth to Them is immensely important and helpful. It helps to strengthen my self-worth and to know that I am "Precious in His Sight."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Consider the Lilies

"Consider the Lilies" by Simon Dewey is the picture I chose this week. I actually thought of this one yesterday. Surprising right? Anyways the scripture that goes with it is Matthew 6:28 "And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:" I've always been kind of confused by what this scripture means but I think I've figured it out now that it means to have faith. I'm still working on understanding that better and hopefully one day I will understand it better. But for now, I have a slightly different interpretation of "consider the lilies of the field, how they grow." I take it to mean to enjoy the little things in life. I think it means to take the time consider things like how lilies grow and the beauty of them. Last week, my roommates and I decided to make a goal of looking at the BIG picture. With that goal, I decided to take it a step further and to remember to look for the little things in life that make me happy. Some days I was good at this and other days I was not. This week I've learned to notice the beauty of the mountains and trees around me. We've gotten a little snow this week and it looks so beautiful on the mountain tops.
I think this next week might be a bit of a stressful one with getting homework done and having 2 tests this week. I feel it is important for me to take the time to see the small things in life and be grateful for them. With it being November, there have been many people expressing their thanks for so many things. It has helped me to realize the things that I am grateful for. First of all, I am grateful for my family. Now that I am at college I don't get to see or talk to them all the time but I still love them so much. I love the time that we get to spend together. Mom and Dad are always so willing to help me out. I know some people that their parents won't help them out at all and they are completely on my own. I know with my parents that they are always there to help me and will be there when I need them. I'm grateful for Cory and his teasing ways. Sometimes it can get a little old but most of the time it makes life fun and reminds me of our childhood. Even though he's the oldest, he's the one that keeps me young. I'm also grateful for his help in my schooling and advice. Because we are so much alike, it's easiest to go talk to him about my school plans and change of majors and such. I'm grateful for Annie and the wonderful example she is to me. She's like supermom! She does so many things and is so happy about it. I hope I can be half the mother she is. I'm grateful for my sister Mandy Moo. We haven't always been that close and we didn't talk about boys much when I was younger. I was always jealous of girls that had that sort of relationship with their sister(s). This year I'm beginning to have that relationship and I love it! She asks me about updates on my boy life and we talk about it. She was even giving me advice last week! It was so wonderful and I loved it. I'm grateful for Josh and that he takes care of my sister. He's such a wonderful husband to her and it makes me so happy! I hope to have a marriage like theirs. I love his artistic work too and that it can bring me closer to God. I'm grateful for Jordan and the fact that he's still at home. When I went up for Jen's wedding a little bit ago he was down in his room. He came upstairs and said "Oh, I thought I had heard you." And he just seemed so happy to see me! Jordan isn't big on expressing his feelings but just those words and that I look I knew he was happy to see me and I was happy to see him too. I haven't forgotten that look yet and I hope to never forget it. I'm grateful for all of my cute nieces and nephews and the great joy that they bring to me!
I'm grateful for my roommates. I got really lucky this year with them. Yes, we have our differences but we get along so well. I've heard of so many other people having problems with their roommates but mine are just great! We have a lot of fun together and I'm so happy they've accepted me. I didn't know how it would go because they have to live with the RA. But they love me and are totally fine with it! I'm grateful for Chalese and her personality. Each day I find more ways that we are alike. We have such a great connection and I love spending time with her. We don't care how we act around each other and just enjoy doing dorky things! She is always the first one to jump up and help me when I need assistance and I am so grateful for that. I seriously don't know what I would do without her. She is going to make a fabulous RA next year and I really hope our friendship continues to develop. She is quickly becoming one of my best friends. (All of my roommates are my best friends, but Chalese especially.) I'm so grateful for Ali and her funny ways. She makes our apartment lively and is always cracking jokes. It's never a dull moment when Ali is around! I love it! I'm grateful for Courtney and her ability to laugh at anything. She just enjoys life and I hope I can do just as well with that.
I'm grateful for my other friends: my RA friends, my few friends from home that I'm still in good contact with, friends from the ward, and especially, Kiley Cash. I have so much fun with these people. I work with the most amazing people and they make my job worthwhile. As noted before, I'm so grateful for Kiley. This year we haven't talked as much as we did last year but we are still wonderful friends. This weekend has been amazing with her and reminded me of why I love her so much. I loved going to the dance together on Friday and then Denny's afterwards and just having fun! Then last night she was having a hard time with homework so she came over and I helped her. She's also struggling with 2 of her roommates so she didn't want to go home. She just stayed here for the rest of the night in between her roves and we just sat and talked. I loved when we sat down and read and laughed about our quote board last year. We had so many good times together! She is a wonderful friend and person. She is my best friend even when we have our ups and downs. I never want to lose Kiley as a friend. She means so much to me, I can't even explain it. I hope so much that she will be around when I get married because I definitely want her to be one of my bridesmaids. I don't want a whole lot of them, but for the past year I've always thought that I want her to be one of them. She doesn't know that though haha.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to come to BYU. It's hard and it's stressful, but I am learning so much. I would not be learning this much anywhere else, even at a place like Harvard. This is the place where I want and need to be and I'm so grateful that I was able to get in. I'm grateful for the atmosphere that is here. We all make fun of and joke about it, but it really is wonderful to be here. I love the little stereotypes that are true about BYU because they just make me laugh. I'm so grateful for the religion classes that I am able to take and how amazing the teachers are. I'm grateful for my other teachers and the way that they can fit the gospel into what they are teaching.
I'm grateful for my job. Sometimes it can be stressful and I don't want to do some things but I really am grateful for it. I have so much fun with it and I'm learning a lot of things. It's a good income and it placed me with the best roommates.
Lastly, I'm grateful for the place I live in. Wyview is a great place to live. It's really nice and has the things that we need. The set up is wonderful and the people around here are great. Included in my gratefulness of Wyview is my gratefulness for my ward. They are all so amazing and so giving to others. If one person needs help, there are so many people out their willing to help. I'm so grateful for Bishop and Sis. Davis. I don't think I've ever quite had a connection like this with a bishop before. He is wonderful at making all of us feel loved and welcomed. I'm grateful for so many things in my life. I hope that I may continue to "consider the lilies" and enjoy the small things in life along with the big things.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Pivotal Moment

I've been running out of ideas of pictures to use for this blog lately. Google has begun to fail me...haha. Anyways, I decided to look on Deseret Book's website to see if there was a picture I liked. When I got to this picture, I knew I wanted to use it. It just makes me so happy to see Christ sitting down with little child and looking so happy. The child seems to be telling him a story and Christ looks enthralled in the story. He seems so happy and joyful with what the child has to say. I love this picture because I can see myself being the little child and Christ sitting next to me, enthralled in what I have to say. Christ has so many people to help and serve and yet, He has time for me, to talk to me and hear what I have to say.
This painting is by Liz Lemon Swindle and it is titled "Friends." I think this is the perfect title because Christ is my friend. He is the ultimate friend. My friend that will always listen. The friend that has the best advice. The friend that will never hurt me or stab me in the back. The friend that will ALWAYS be my friend. He will never leave my side. My friend that atoned for my sins and died for me. John 15:13 says, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Christ has the ultimate love for me. What better friend could I ask for? I tell you that I could not ask for a better friend.
I'm so grateful for my Savior and that He is always there to listen to me. I feel that I say that a lot in my blog posts and discussion boards. But maybe that means that that is the thing I am most grateful for. In the past I've had so many "best friends." They just change continually and I have become sort of jealous of those people that have a best friend since their childhood that they still hang out with. I think I've more of accepted the fact that now that I'm in college most people lose those best friends or grow apart more. When I met Max and he became my best friend I thought I finally found my best friend forever. But that obviously didn't last as long as I thought it would. Then I thought Kiley was my best friend but now we don't talk a whole lot or hang out a whole lot. Now I mostly hang out with my roommates and they are just so incredible! They are becoming my best friends. Anyways, the point I'm making is that friends come and go but Jesus Christ never leaves. He is forever my friend which I am so grateful for because it's nice to have some consistency in my life.
I think I just hit a pivotal moment where I discovered how amazing this project is and how it is bringing me closer to Christ. The last few weeks I've been wondering if it has just been busy work but tonight I've discovered something incredible! I've realized the thing I am most grateful for: that Christ is always there for me and that He is the best friend that anyone could be. I feel closer to Him simply by discovering this. The title of this post is even completely different than I thought it would be! It is truly amazing what you can discover when you take a little time to sit and write your thoughts down and actually think about what you are saying. (The thinking part is incredible right now since I am so tired!!! I am so close to falling asleep! Anyways, tangent over.)
This picture also makes me look forward to the day when I can personally sit down with Christ and just talk. I love talking. I talk to my roommates everyday about what is going on in my life. (Mostly about boys, but I'm trying to not talk about them so much.) And from this picture it's obvious to me that Christ is willing to sit down and listen. I bet if I put myself in the picture instead of the little girl, I would be talking about boys and He would be laughing about how silly my stories are and how I worry about it too much haha. (How can you not when they're just so dang confusing??) I really enjoy that picture of sitting down with Christ and just chatting with Him. The thing is, I can talk to Him and my Father in Heaven right now. I think I want to make a goal for this week to try to talk to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in a more personal way. I think this will strengthen my relationship with Them and make my prayers better. I'm excited about what I've learned about myself tonight and I can't wait to embark on my journey this week. As Bro. Griffin always says, "Onward and Upward!"

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Like a Lost Lamb

This picture is called "The Lost Lamb" by Del Parson. The reason why I chose this picture for today is because this past week I felt a little bit like a lost lamb. The past few weeks I've been wondering if I would be able to get into the Business program and if I didn't, what should I do? I've been enjoying Statistics this semester and I liked it in high school so I thought it would be a good alternative. As the weeks went on I really started wondering if I would be able to get into the program. A couple of weeks ago at the Major Fair I went to both the Business: Finance and Statistics booths. After talking to the girl at the Finance booth and seeing that I have to take more Econ classes I started feeling like I didn't want to go down that path anymore so I starting looking into Stats a little more. Then came last of the worst weeks ever. I had 2 mid-terms, a mid-term paper, and a final all in the same week. I also had meetings, dumb Econ homework, cleaning checks, and roving. To top it all off I was sick all week. Not my kind of week...Anyways, on Monday I took the Excel final and I failed the test...which also meant I failed the class. I was SO upset and so close to tears. If I hadn't had to go to class, I probably would've cried for reals. So failing that combined with Econ (which I'm thinking I'm not going to do well in) I really started doubting going into the Business program. All week I prayed about if I should switch to Statistics or not. And all week I still wasn't sure. I didn't feel like I was getting an answer. On Tuesday, the professor giving the devotional discussed his career path and how he discovered that it was okay to be rejected from medical schools and go into another field. From that I started to think that switching to Statistics wouldn't be bad but I still wasn't sure. Then one day in New Testament class this week we were discussing the Canaanite woman. Here's the story: Matthew 15:22-28 "And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. (1) But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. (2) But he answered and, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. (3) Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is they faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour." After this story we discussed Elder Scott's talk where he said there are three kinds of answers to prayers: (1) silence (2) no (3) yes. I had heard about this last year in my Book of Mormon class but had forgotten it. This is what I needed to hear to remind me that oftentimes I'm going to get silence as an answer to my prayers. That's okay because it means that the Lord trusts me enough to make my own decision. If that decision isn't right then He will send me a warning sign before I go too far down the wrong path. With that said, I have dropped taking my Powerpoint class because it's not applicable anymore and I am switching to Statistics! I feel this is a good path for me to go, even if I do get called 'boring' for it ;) Along with switching my major I feel I will be able to handle this major and working as an RA at the same time so I am most likely going to be an RA here in Wyview again next year! And Chalese is probably going to do it too so that will be fun! Yay! Last week was a crazy, hard week and I definitely felt like a lost lamb. But now I don't feel that way so much anymore. I have direction again. And hopefully this will be the last time I change my major! I don't think I can afford to change it again and I don't know what I would do anyways. I am grateful for prayer and the answers that I do get, even if they aren't what I was expecting.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Christ Lifts Me Up

Along with the semester-long project, we are required to do a discussion board each week for New Testament. I really love that assignment because it gives me the opportunity to read through my notes from the week and have the things I learned really sink in. In my other classes I hardly read over my notes unless I'm studying for a test. So having that opportunity is great for me and really strengthens my testimony. Anyways, the point of this is that today in my discussion board I found a recurring theme of strengthening our individual selves. This begins with finding yourself and being your own person. This year I have found myself and learned to not care what others think. I love being me and doing what I like to do. As long as I am doing what the Lord wants me to do, it doesn't matter what others think of me. I also read posts about strengthening our faith and going through trials. From reading these I thought about how we are here on this earth to be tested so we will always have trials. We are expected to work hard and get through them. However, the Lord is always there to pull us up and strengthen us when we don't have enough strength. That's where the picture comes in. This picture is called "Be Not Afraid" by Greg Olsen. Christ's arm is always outstretched to help us. In Philippians 4:13 it says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." This fits perfectly with what I have been talking about. We have trials and hardships but we also have Christ. My life isn't perfect and I for sure have hardships but I make it through with faith in Christ. My faith isn't perfect either and I know I need to work on it everyday. Christ is patient with me and helps lift me up. I know that with Christ in my life He makes it possible for me to do all things. We learn from the scriptures about Christ walking on water and that Paul did too. What faith Paul had to ask if he could walk on water with Christ. My faith seems tiny in comparison to Paul's faith but it's my faith. I wouldn't want any other person's faith. I am grateful for the opportunity to strengthen my faith through my struggles. I am so grateful for a Savior that is always there to lift me up when I need Him. I know He is there when I need Him, waiting for me to ask for His help. This gospel is so great and helps me through so much. I don't know where I would be without it. I am so grateful for my Savior and I want to do the best I can so that He can be happy with me and my decisions. He is great and my Savior.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Gathering Israel

I didn't know what to do this week for a picture so I did what we all do when all else fails: I googled. As I was looking through the many pictures of Christ, and many pictures of people that were clearly not Christ, I found this painting by Simon Dewey. It's called "The Lord is My Shepherd". When I saw this picture it made me think of how we are Christ's flock and that He watches over and protects us. I also thought about the scattering of Israel and how there are so many people in Christ's flock that are lost. John 10:16 says, "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." Last Sunday I received my Patriarchal Blessing and this weekend was General Conference so I've been hearing a lot about the Gathering of Israel. In my Patriarchal Blessing I am told that I am of the tribe of Ephraim and that with this heritage comes the responsibility in the gathering of Israel. In General Conference I felt I was hearing a lot about missionary work and how it's important that we help bring those sheep back into the fold. I may or may not serve a mission, at this point in time I most likely won't, but whether I do or not, I still have a mission on this earth to help seek out those who are lost and give them a lending hand. I think one way I can do that right now is by talking with Taylor and Aubree. Taylor has had all of the discussions and wants to be baptized but her parents do not approve at all. I'm sure this is very hard for her so I feel that maybe part of my mission there is simply to be there for her and a support to her for when she needs it. Aubree is reading the Book of Mormon and is thinking of taking the discussions soon which I am so excited about! I've always thought that Aubree would want to be baptized into the Church someday; she just seemed like that kind of person. By sharing my testimony with her and answering any questions she may have, I can be a missionary to her. "But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." -Matthew 10:6. Again, it is written that we are supposed to seek out the lost sheep.
As I mentioned above, this weekend was the 181st Semi-Annual General Conference. Throughout it, I felt missionary work was a recurring theme. Elder L. Whitney Clayton said, "our work has no boundaries." A bold and true statement; missionary work is being spread all across the globe and those sheep that are lost are being gathered. What a hopeful and joyful statement, that many people will be able to hear the gospel and come unto Christ. Elder Jose L. Alonso expressed the importance of seeking out the one and bringing them back. I loved that he added that we cannot delay in seeking them because if we do, they could be lost forever. Our dispensation has a great duty to fulfill, but we were also chosen to fulfill this because our Father in Heaven and Elder Brother has faith in us that we can do this. Now we must have this faith in ourselves. President Uchtdorf said to never wonder if the Lord has forgotten us; He never has and He never will. Not only has the Lord never forgotten us, He also has never forgotten the lost sheep. He loves those people as much as He loves us. He wants them back into His fold and we are the ones that can do that. It is our duty and responsibility to find those people. Elder Ian S. Arden gave one of my favorite talks of Conference this weekend. He didn't necessarily talk about missionary work but it can be applied to missionary work. Elder Arden expressed the importance of using our time wisely and that we will have to give an account of how we used our time. I truly believe a great way for us to use our time is by doing missionary work and serving in the Church. By doing this, we can help the Church grow and seek out those that are lost. Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr. also discussed the importance of rescuing the less active members of the Church. Missionary work is not always about finding those who have never been taught the gospel before. It is also about rescuing those who have been part of the Church but have fallen away for whatever reason. I remember in my home ward that the importance of rescuing the less active was stressed greatly. Elder L. Tom Perry talked about how we can share who we are and by that, many people may come to know Christ. We can share who we are and what the Church is about by simply being an example to others. Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." If we are living worthily, we have the Light of Christ in us. Therefore, by simply doing what we're supposed to, the Light of Christ can be shown unto all men. It is important for us to be doing what we're supposed to not only for our benefit, but also for the benefit of others. To add to this, 1 Timothy 4:12 says, "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." There are so many things we can do to be an example of a follower of Christ. I strive each and every day to do what I am supposed to. I am by doing that I am being an example of the believers in all of those things.
I know this post was kind of everywhere and I'm not very good at organizing it, but these are my thoughts. I know it is so important for us to seek out those lost sheep. The Lord loves us and He loves those lost sheep and wants them to have what we have. Shouldn't that be enough for us to seek them out? The knowledge and happiness we have and the want to share that? I am so grateful for this gospel and all that it does for me. I'm grateful for those missionaries that sought out my ancestors and brought them to the knowledge of the gospel. I am going to "try a little harder to be a little better" so that I can be an example of the believers and bring the lost sheep back into the fold of Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Christ's Love

Today as I was thinking of what time in Christ's life to focus on I thought of this picture and knew that it's exactly what I wanted to do. This picture is "Christ's Love" painted by Del Parson. This year I'm an RA at Wyview and as an RA we're supposed to come up with a theme for our building for the year. My theme for the year is "Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal" from 2 Nephi 9:39. I searched all over trying to find a picture that would fit with this theme and then I found this picture and I instantly fell in love with it. This is now my favorite picture of Christ. It's so simple and yet so loving. I always picture Christ as smiling and happy and laughing. Not many pictures of Him depicts this, so I was really happy when I found this picture. As I was searching for a scripture to go along with this picture I found one that doesn't necessarily talk about Christ's Love but still fits. John 13:15, 17 says "For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." Written next to verse 17 I have written "Love as I have loved you." Christ is the perfect example of love. He loved us so much that He willingly came to this earth and atoned for our sins. He loves us so much that He wants us to become like Him and in order for that to happen, He paid the ultimate price. What great love He has for us and I hope I can follow His example and love as He loves me. I also love how it says that if we follow His example we can be happy. I truly believe that by following my Savior's example and loving others that I can be happy. I find that I am so much happier when I am loving and caring for someone. This sounds cheesy, but love really does make the world go round. If there wasn't any love in this world nobody would do service. Therefore, everybody would be on their own which is very difficult to accomplish things that. Christ is the ultimate example of love. Charity is defined as the pure love of Christ, which I know is true. No greater love abounds than His love for us. "Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all thing, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." -1 Corinthians 13:4-7. I love this explanation of charity. Charity is self-less and does last forever. Christ served others because He loved them, not because He wanted the fame and glory of it. He died for us because He loves us unconditionally and forever. Charity never faileth; it will always abound in this world. I pray and hope I can implement charity and Christ-like love into my daily life, that I can treat others with the love that Christ treats me with. When I'm having a hard time, I sit and look at that picture of Christ on my bulletin board and I can just feel His love for me from His warm smile. I hope that by the way I treat others or simply by smiling at them, they can feel the love that I have for them. I have gained a greater testimony of loving others this year. I want all of my residents to feel they have a friend in me and that I do truly love them. I feel a motherly-like love for them in that I want them to do what's right and build on their testimonies of this gospel. I love being at this wonderful university and the opportunity to have such love for the friends I've already gained this year. I couldn't ask for a better group of people to work with. I love the RA's this year and I'm so grateful for all of them. I love my roommates; they are such good friends to me already. They are always there for me when I need something and can make me laugh on a really bad day. I love being there for them when they need me and just being able to spend time with them. I couldn't have asked for better roommates. I love my family and the love that they give to me. They are a great support system. I do miss them while I am down here at BYU but I'm grateful for the opportunities to talk to them. Lastly, I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father. No one knows me the way They do. I'm so grateful for everything They have given me, good or bad. I feel I have been taught so much by Them in the month and a half that I have been here. I'm grateful for the love They show me. Christ's love is an everlasting principle that I will never forget.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Birth of Christ

I decided to start out this blog with pictures of the Birth of Christ. Normally I will probably only post one picture per post but I found two great pictures that I couldn't decide between the two. The first is a picture of Mary holding baby Jesus on her shoulder. It's called "Be It Unto Me" by Liz Lemon Swindle. I originally found the other picture and was just going to go with that one until I found this one and I knew I had to include it. Why you may ask? Because this is one of my mom's all time favorite paintings. I'm not really sure why it's one of her favorite pictures, it would probably be a good thing to ask her. I remember when I was younger one Christmas my dad was searching everywhere to find it in print because it was her favorite picture. (If I remember right, the picture went out of print so it was difficult to find. But don't quote me on that.) I found a few scriptures from Luke 1 that I thought would fit well with this picture. "And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou has found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS." -Luke 1:30-31. "For with God nothing shall be impossible. And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her." -Luke 1:37-38. Mary must have been an incredible woman to find such favor with God at such a young age. She must have had immense strength to be able to believe the angel and say that she is a servant of the Lord and will do whatever is needed. To me, the picture shows in her eyes that she may have been a little fearful, but she knew that her journey ahead of her was not impossible and that she could do it. She was about to become the mother of the Son of God and to be able to say that and know that is incredible to me. Mary was a strong woman and mother. I hope that someday I can be half the mother she is.
I chose this picture by Ted Henninger because it not only shows the joy in the faces of Joseph and Mary, but baby Jesus looks so happy and peaceful. I have 8 nieces and nephews so I know how cute and adorable little kids are. I love when newborns smile and laugh. This picture depicts just that. The scriptures I chose to go along with this picture are as follows. "And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn." -Luke 2:6-7. I chose this scripture for some obvious and not so obvious reasons. Obviously, this scripture relates by the depiction of Jesus being laid in the manger, swaddled in clothes. I also chose this scripture for a less obvious reason. In my New Testament class, when we went over this scripture, Bro. Griffin asked us if we were going with the "inn" crowd or part of the "stable" few. Of course it was funny because there's a pun there but it really stuck with me. Am I part of the "inn" crowd or the "stable" few? I like to believe that I'm part of the "stable" few and I hope my Father in Heaven sees that and comes to that same conclusion. It seems that each semester there's something that Bro. Griffin says that sticks with me for life and I believe this will be it. I hope that I can continue to walk along the path of righteousness to be part of the "stable" few. This is probably a little out of order but it just came to my mind that you may be asking, what does it mean to be part of the "stable" few? I think essentially it's something that each person defines themselves. I believe to be part of the "stable" few you need to have a testimony of Christ. This gospel is based the Atonement, which was done by Him. Christ atoned for my sins and your sins. He knows how I feel at this very moment. I have a testimony of Christ, that He lives and that He is the Savior of the world. I think you also need to be moving forward. None of us are perfect, but we can become perfected in Christ. We all make mistakes and have up and down weeks, but as long as we are moving forward, we are part of the "stable" few. I am so grateful for this opportunity to come to know Christ better by learning about His life through the scriptures and through these pictures. I was inspired by Kiley Cash to do this blog because she had done a blog for her Book of Mormon class. I'm grateful to her for that because I feel this is a great way that I may know Christ better. I'm grateful for all that He did for me, does for me, and will do for me. He is my Savior and I say these things in His name, Jesus Christ, Amen.