Sunday, October 16, 2011

Christ Lifts Me Up

Along with the semester-long project, we are required to do a discussion board each week for New Testament. I really love that assignment because it gives me the opportunity to read through my notes from the week and have the things I learned really sink in. In my other classes I hardly read over my notes unless I'm studying for a test. So having that opportunity is great for me and really strengthens my testimony. Anyways, the point of this is that today in my discussion board I found a recurring theme of strengthening our individual selves. This begins with finding yourself and being your own person. This year I have found myself and learned to not care what others think. I love being me and doing what I like to do. As long as I am doing what the Lord wants me to do, it doesn't matter what others think of me. I also read posts about strengthening our faith and going through trials. From reading these I thought about how we are here on this earth to be tested so we will always have trials. We are expected to work hard and get through them. However, the Lord is always there to pull us up and strengthen us when we don't have enough strength. That's where the picture comes in. This picture is called "Be Not Afraid" by Greg Olsen. Christ's arm is always outstretched to help us. In Philippians 4:13 it says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." This fits perfectly with what I have been talking about. We have trials and hardships but we also have Christ. My life isn't perfect and I for sure have hardships but I make it through with faith in Christ. My faith isn't perfect either and I know I need to work on it everyday. Christ is patient with me and helps lift me up. I know that with Christ in my life He makes it possible for me to do all things. We learn from the scriptures about Christ walking on water and that Paul did too. What faith Paul had to ask if he could walk on water with Christ. My faith seems tiny in comparison to Paul's faith but it's my faith. I wouldn't want any other person's faith. I am grateful for the opportunity to strengthen my faith through my struggles. I am so grateful for a Savior that is always there to lift me up when I need Him. I know He is there when I need Him, waiting for me to ask for His help. This gospel is so great and helps me through so much. I don't know where I would be without it. I am so grateful for my Savior and I want to do the best I can so that He can be happy with me and my decisions. He is great and my Savior.

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