Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Pivotal Moment

I've been running out of ideas of pictures to use for this blog lately. Google has begun to fail me...haha. Anyways, I decided to look on Deseret Book's website to see if there was a picture I liked. When I got to this picture, I knew I wanted to use it. It just makes me so happy to see Christ sitting down with little child and looking so happy. The child seems to be telling him a story and Christ looks enthralled in the story. He seems so happy and joyful with what the child has to say. I love this picture because I can see myself being the little child and Christ sitting next to me, enthralled in what I have to say. Christ has so many people to help and serve and yet, He has time for me, to talk to me and hear what I have to say.
This painting is by Liz Lemon Swindle and it is titled "Friends." I think this is the perfect title because Christ is my friend. He is the ultimate friend. My friend that will always listen. The friend that has the best advice. The friend that will never hurt me or stab me in the back. The friend that will ALWAYS be my friend. He will never leave my side. My friend that atoned for my sins and died for me. John 15:13 says, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Christ has the ultimate love for me. What better friend could I ask for? I tell you that I could not ask for a better friend.
I'm so grateful for my Savior and that He is always there to listen to me. I feel that I say that a lot in my blog posts and discussion boards. But maybe that means that that is the thing I am most grateful for. In the past I've had so many "best friends." They just change continually and I have become sort of jealous of those people that have a best friend since their childhood that they still hang out with. I think I've more of accepted the fact that now that I'm in college most people lose those best friends or grow apart more. When I met Max and he became my best friend I thought I finally found my best friend forever. But that obviously didn't last as long as I thought it would. Then I thought Kiley was my best friend but now we don't talk a whole lot or hang out a whole lot. Now I mostly hang out with my roommates and they are just so incredible! They are becoming my best friends. Anyways, the point I'm making is that friends come and go but Jesus Christ never leaves. He is forever my friend which I am so grateful for because it's nice to have some consistency in my life.
I think I just hit a pivotal moment where I discovered how amazing this project is and how it is bringing me closer to Christ. The last few weeks I've been wondering if it has just been busy work but tonight I've discovered something incredible! I've realized the thing I am most grateful for: that Christ is always there for me and that He is the best friend that anyone could be. I feel closer to Him simply by discovering this. The title of this post is even completely different than I thought it would be! It is truly amazing what you can discover when you take a little time to sit and write your thoughts down and actually think about what you are saying. (The thinking part is incredible right now since I am so tired!!! I am so close to falling asleep! Anyways, tangent over.)
This picture also makes me look forward to the day when I can personally sit down with Christ and just talk. I love talking. I talk to my roommates everyday about what is going on in my life. (Mostly about boys, but I'm trying to not talk about them so much.) And from this picture it's obvious to me that Christ is willing to sit down and listen. I bet if I put myself in the picture instead of the little girl, I would be talking about boys and He would be laughing about how silly my stories are and how I worry about it too much haha. (How can you not when they're just so dang confusing??) I really enjoy that picture of sitting down with Christ and just chatting with Him. The thing is, I can talk to Him and my Father in Heaven right now. I think I want to make a goal for this week to try to talk to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in a more personal way. I think this will strengthen my relationship with Them and make my prayers better. I'm excited about what I've learned about myself tonight and I can't wait to embark on my journey this week. As Bro. Griffin always says, "Onward and Upward!"

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